He’d added an “I’ll Write Your Comic” tier to his Kickstarter, and it was immediately picked up by a stranger. Now Andrew was worried about where his words would end up, and what kind of market it might be pushed to. He hadn’t anticipated the stress the tier would cause—or how much a hotly-contested presidential election in the U.S. would suck the oxygen out of his campaign.Â
As his Kickstarter for DAMSEL FROM D.I.S.T.R.E.S.S. entered its final 48 hours, he wondered:
“Did I make a huge mistake?”
Despite his concerns, Andrew had set himself up to do well with his latest campaign. In the lead-up to his launch, he conducted several podcast and webs...
His campaign for ROBIN HOOD: The Legend of Sherwood had hit the dreaded “Dead Zone”, and now, not only was his project not seeing any new pledges, but backers were cancelling, sending his funding total backwards.Â
With his Facebook ads not doing much to bring in new backers, he had to wonder:
Would his campaign make it?
As with anything, the seeds for Jeff’s ultimate success were planted well before he hit launch. When it came time to prepare for his latest campaign, Jeff made an important decision:
“This project was not aimed exclusively at kids, like my first one, even though they share the same universe. I felt this one had broader appeal.”
Opening up his work to a wider aud...
In a typical year, Bill might attend 35 - 40 shows a year. The schedule has been grueling, but it allowed him to build an audience for his superhero comic KINETIC.
But with the world changing and online purchases becoming the norm, Bill knew he needed to try his hand at crowdfunding. The only question was...
Would his audience follow him?
Bill's approach to building his audience through cons had been successful so far. The only problem? He had no way of reaching them outside the convention hall.Â
“At my first conventions, I didn’t even have a newsletter sign up! And then, after I d...
After her first Kickstarter campaign for THE ALCHEMIST OF AURILLIA failed, she knew she had a lot of work to do to get the relaunch funded.Â
With a community at her back and a plan for success, it was time to roll up her sleeves and make it happen.Â
One takeaway from Melissa’s failed campaign was that her audience wasn’t big enough to support her goals. So she immediately set out to remedy that using Facebook ads.Â
“Paid ads are very tricky—you really have to know what you’re doing. Thankfully we have Ad Launch as a resource, and I’ve done a lot of Facebook ads in my day job as a digital strategist.”
Melissa created a com...
A few days after he hit launch on the campaign for his art book, BRIGHT IDEAS, DARK MIND, the COVID19 crisis escalated. One week later, the forced shutdowns and work closures began, affecting his wife's employment.Â
With his immediate financial future uncertain, Ryan nearly doubled the hours at his day job, leaving significantly less time for running the Kickstarter campaign.
And as the world fell apart around him, he wondered:
Does this campaign even have a chance?
Putting together an art book had long been a dream of Ryan’s, and now that dream was being threatened. Fortunately this wa...
It was only a day before his Kickstarter launch, and he was having a serious case of the jitters.Â
Like many creators, Dan had doubts and fears about his upcoming campaign.
But unlike most of them, he knew exactly where to go for help.
We’ll get back to that pre-launch freakout in a minute. But first, let’s take a look at Dan’s journey.Â
His comic ODYSSEY, INC started life on Webtoon, where’s he’s been posting for a year and a half, giving his readers value with the free episodes. Dan used that goodwill in a smart way:Â
“I post weekly on WEBTOON…. At the end of each episode I post a plug for my newsletter, so I've been getting readers onto my mailing list.”
By promoting his newsletter eac...
His first campaign for SAVAGE SASQUANAUT garnered a lot support from friends and family, some he hadn’t anticipated.Â
People he’d known for years—people who had no interest in comics—showed up to support in a big way. And for that, he was incredibly grateful.
As he launched his campaign for issue two, though, Wes expected that most of those backers would not return. Â
But without their support, Wes wondered…
Would he fund?
Wes reviewed his numbers, reexamined the goal, and determined that even without the financial support of his wider network, he could close the gap.
But it would mean making some clear asks.
“It wasn’t their lack of financial support...
Three of his four Kickstarter campaigns have raised roughly $9,000 with an average of 300 backers. The one outlier?
His first campaign, which raised over $16,000 with almost 400 backers.Â
How does he achieve such consistently great results?
It's all in the planning.
Jason begins each project with an eye on quality control.Â
“There is a limit to how much time and energy I have as a person and as a creator. I tend to be very selective in who I collaborate with and what I work on. I look for artists who have a distinct style and whose work will elevate my own.”Â
One advantage to this approach? It exposes Jason's w...
His webcomic Impure Blood was a finalist in DC Comics’ Zuda contest, but didn’t get the ultimate prize: a publishing contract.
Now he and his collaborators had a choice to make:
Keep making the comic anyway or move on to something else?
Nathan began his long journey to Kickstarter way back in 2009, when he entered his comic Impure Blood into an online competition run by DC Comics. Readers voted on their favorite series, and winners were posted to DC’s webcomics imprint, Zuda.Â
“I look back and laugh at the mindset we had when we did Zuda. We were all like, 'It's all just a popularity contest! The best written/drawn comics aren't winning!' and now I'm like, 'Duh! Of course they are! ...
He’d just wrapped up a Kickstarter campaign the month before, and now he was about to hit “launch” on another project, the third issue in his long-running GOTH GHOST GIRL series.Â
With his previous campaign just finished—and still unfulfilled—John couldn't help but wonder:
Was his audience ready to back a new project?
Before we look at John’s second launch in two months, it’s a good question to ask why he would Kickstart multiple properties at the same time. His long-running GOTH GHOST GIRL series was a success. Shouldn't John just stick to that one title? Or, at the very least, something in the same genre?
John says:
“The success of Goth Ghost Girl prompted advice from people s...