This month, I talk to James Ferguson, who spent over a decade reviewing comics at Horror DNA and Comicon before writing his own. After writing short stories for anthologies such as Nightmare Theater 2, Holiday Spirits 3, and Tales from the Pandemic, James began his first mini-series A Real Slobberknocker with Dan Buksa. By day, James is a digital ad exec hailing from the suburbs of NYC where he lives with his wife Monica, and their two sons.
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This month, I talk to Adriano Ariganello, a Toronto native who has been writing short stories, screenplays and comic books for over 20 years - finally hitting his stride with thrilling pulp comics and novels. When he’s not writing, you can find him strapping on skates and hitting the ice like any good Canadian.
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This month, I talk to M. Sorcier, a tenacious self-taught artist and writer from Bronx, NY. She's dedicated many years of her life to figuring out "how do I write and draw the thing??" and is well known for her fantasy drama series Sacrimony: A Tale of Love, Life and Death - In No Particular Order, which she writes and draws all by herself. (She doesn't sleep much.)
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This month, I talk to Sam Johnson, a British writer who has a Masters in Creative Writing for Film & TV and has been working in comics for fifteen years. Among this work, he created Cabra Cini (pronounced (Chee-nee): Voodoo Junkie Hitwoman, a character who had a strip annually in the Halloween issue of H!M Comics' IF-X anthology, and has now come into the Geek-Girl ongoing series, her own Mini-Series, and the new Cabra Cini/Geek-Girl Exodus Crossover. He has self-published two The Almighties one-shots (a comedy super-team co-created with Mike Gagnon); released a 4-issue Geek-Girl Mini-Series through publisher Markosia monthly from Nov 2016, and ran a successful Kickstarter for its TPB - which has now been followed with Geek-Girl's ongoing series and the new Cabra Cini/Geek-Girl: Exodus Crossover.
This month, I talk to Gerald von Stoddard, a comic book writer, artist, creator from the Hudson Valley who splits his time between Tivoli, NY and Florence, Italy. He has his own creator owned self published comic, Immortal Coil, as well as illustrating interior and cover art for comic creators all over the world.
why you shouldn't be afraid of the "F"-word (no, not that one)
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This month, I talk to Amrit Birdi, a Times Bestselling illustrator and Art Director based in London, probably best known for illustrating Anthony Horowitz's Alex Rider graphic novel series, Joe Sugg's Username:Evie trilogy and Assassins Creed cover art. Day-to-day, he is an Art Director at AmCo Studio, where he produces and deliver illustration & animation work to clients such as Disney, Netflix, Adobe, Prime Video, Ubisoft, Penguin RH, Walker Books, Hachette, Adidas, Titan Comics, Bandai Namco & many more.
What to do after a difficult project (hint: don't give up)
How ComixLaunch helped Amrit overfund his first solo Kickstarter
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This month, I talk to Ryan Claytor, a Cartoonist and Professor at Michigan State University where he teaches Comics Studio courses and spearheaded the development of the interdisciplinary Comics Minor. Claytor's achievements in cartooning have included six Small Press and Alternative Comics Expo Prizes and two nominations for the Ringo Comic Industry Award.
The importance of starting small
How a little old-school show business can be good for your business--and your peace of mind
Why Ryan joined ComixLaunch even after he found success on the platform
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Then ...
This month, I talk to Craig Taillefer, a two-times Harvey Award Nominated Cartoonist with 25 years of professional experience working in Comic Books and TV animation.His comic credits include the creator owned WAHOO MORRIS as well as inking and illustration for ELFQUEST comics, and inking BOOKS OF MAGIC, REFRIGERATOR FULL OF HEADS, and DEAD BOY DETECTIVES for DC COMICS. Craig is passionate about comic books, hammocks, and lives an alternate night life as a gigging professional rockabilly and blues singer and guitar slinger.
Why community is invaluable to your growth as a creator
The advantages and disadvantages of a short campaign
How much runway you need to warm up a cold audience
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A tale of double cro...
This month, I talk to Matthew Schofield, an animator, storyboard artist and director who has worked on films such as Cats Don't Dance, Prince of Egypt and The Iron Giant. He's been working on the history-making animated TV show The Simpsons for over 20 years and is currently the Supervising Storyboard Director on the show. An avid, lifelong comic book reader, in 2017 he began writing and drawing his own superhero comedy webcomic, Steamroller Man!
How ComixLaunch Pro helped Matthew prep his first launch
Why he believes in giving away his work for free
Read Steamroller Man for Free:
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This month, I talk to Will Allred, a writer, professor, and technologist. He created Crossover Division and Diary of Night and contributed to the Eisner-nominated Comics through Time and multiple other academic books on comics. Will received his Ph.D. in English from the University of Arkansas and is a longtime member of the nonprofit Grand Comics Database Project, having served for several years on its Board of Directors. Will is an avid reader and is a lifelong fan of the comics medium. He also enjoys teaching and spending time with his wife and twin sons.
How ComixLaunch Pro helped Will find his creative team
Why having a community of like-minded creators can help your business grow