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How to Plan For Kickstarter Success, with Comics Creator Newton Lilavois

creator spotlight Sep 14, 2018
by Clay Adams

Newton Lilavois was in the hospital.

With only four days before the big Kickstarter launch for his webcomic, “Crescent City Monsters,” Newton was about to go under the knife for knee surgery. 

He’d spent a year posting his comic online, working through the ComixLaunch Course, and meticulously planning his campaign. 

But now, facing surgery and a painful recovery, he had to ask himself:

Should I postpone?

In this edition of the ComixLaunch Spotlight, you’ll learn:

  • Newton’s Facebook ad strategy for campaign success
  • Why you should plan your stretch goals before you launch
  • When “failure” isn’t really failure at all

Knowledge is Power: Google Analytics and Your Kickstarter Page

So: did Newton postpone his launch?

Before we answer that question, let’s talk about the well-crafted plan he was thinking of putting off. 

Because Newton is a member of the ComixLaunch...

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How First Time Kickstarter Creator Rene Pfitzner Raised Nearly $9,000 In His First Ever Comics Campaign

creator spotlight Aug 13, 2018
by Clay Adams

Rene Pfitzner felt like he was flying in the dark. 

It was his first-ever Kickstarter campaign, and there were a lot of unknowns. But he’d methodically worked his way through the ComixLaunch Course and felt like he had a solid plan in place. 

Now it was time to put it into action. 

In this edition of the ComixLaunch Spotlight, you’ll learn:

  • How to build an audience before you launch
  • The importance of having a pre-launch plan
  • How to drive traffic to your Kickstarter campaign


Should I Post My Comic For Free On The Web?

Rene knew that in crowdfunding, the crowd brings the funds, but YOU have to bring the crowd. 

He had been following the YouTube channel of creator Jason Brubaker (reMIND, Sithrah), a Kickstarter veteran who recommends building an audience by posting your comic for free online. A quick check of the most funded comics Kickstarters of all time reveals that—yes, posting for free online helps.    

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How TREASURES OF THE DEEP SLUMBER’s Jerry Willoughby Used Facebook Ads To Power His Best Comics Kickstarter Launch Ever

creator spotlight Jul 11, 2018

By Clay Adams

Jerry Willoughby was feeling determined.

After his last Kickstarter failed to fund, Jerry knew he needed to expand his marketing efforts if he wanted his new campaign to succeed. So, heeding the old Henry Ford maxim that “Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping a clock to save time,” he decided to go all in on Facebook ads.

The only question was: “Would it work?”

In this edition of the ComixLaunch Spotlight, you’ll learn:

  • Why you need enthusiastic collaborators
  • The key to a successful Facebook ad—and when to implement it
  • Jerry’s specific ad strategy that led to successful funding

Lessons Learned from a Failed Kickstarter

Before he launched again, Jerry took a long, hard look at what went wrong last time.

“The biggest lesson I learned from my last failed campaign was that you can't launch with no audience. I thought that the same people that backed me in 2012 would come out to back me five years later. I...

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How To Crowdfund Your Comic Book On Indiegogo, With TALES OF THE TWELVE STARS Writer Albert Lim

creator spotlight Mar 07, 2018

by Clay Adams

How do you kickstart a comic if Kickstarter isn’t available in your country?

If you’re TALES OF THE TWELVE STARS writer Albert Lim, you go indie.

…Indiegogo, that is.


In this spotlight, you’ll learn:

  • The major differences between Indiegogo and Kickstarter
  • The biggest challenge Albert faced with the Indiegogo platform
  • His best advice to new comic creators 


What If Kickstarter Isn’t Available in Your Country?

When comic book writer Albert Lim discovered Kickstarter isn’t available in Malaysia, he wasn’t surprised.

“Finding venues and events where I can sell my books is a challenge… While they do exist in Malaysia, many of them are not very well-known.”

But he didn't let lack of access to the number one crowdfunding platform stop him from launching his book. Albert buckled down, did his research, and found that one site was available to him: Indiegogo.


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Creator Amélie Hutt (ANGELS POWER) on How to Raise More Than $24,000.00 in Your First Comic Book Kickstarter Campaign

creator spotlight Feb 08, 2018
By Clay Adams


Amélie Hutt was feeling overwhelmed. 

She’d never run a Kickstarter campaign before, and the learning curve was steep. Everything leading up to the launch was new, stressful, and humbling. And she didn’t like the feeling of vulnerability that comes with launching a campaign.

“I shy away from success,” she says. “I shy away from asking for things. I have to get over that.”

She did. 

In a big way. 

In this spotlight, you’ll learn: 

  • How Amélie grew her audience online before the launch
  • How she uses Patreon to supplement her business
  • Amélie’s one big Kickstarter regret

The Secret of a Huge Kickstarter Launch

What do The Order of the Stick, Steve Lichman, and Penny Arcade all have in common?

They were all popular webcomics long before becoming six- and seven-figure Kickstarter campaigns.

Because of these comics—and projects like them—Amélie knew that...

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How Writer Kevin Joseph Doubled His Best Ever Kickstarter Backer Count and Raised Over $12,000.00 for His Latest Comic Book

creator spotlight Jan 08, 2018
By Clay Adams


Kevin Joseph had a problem. 

After drawing five issues of TART, the indie comic about a time-traveling demon hunter, Kevin's TART co-creator, artist Ludovic Sallé, decided to make a career change away from illustrating comics...

Right in the middle of a story arc.

Instead of getting down, Kevin got down to work.


In this ComixLaunch Creator Spotlight you’ll learn: 

•         How Kevin recovered from losing his artist collaborator and took bold action to find a replacement.

•         How he grew his audience between issues—and during the dreaded Kickstarter dead zone.

•         The one crowdfunding technique Kevin won’t try again.

How to Replace an Artist

First things, first: Kevin needed an artist.

And he decided to go bold.

“We met Karl Moline, the incredible artist who...

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