ComixLaunch Workshop Gifts

Thanks for attending the ComixLaunch Workshop! I hope you feel more confident and fired up for your next launch. Here are three more resources that will help you succeed with your next launch...

Gift #1

FUNDED! 9 Savvy Strategies Successful Comic Creators are Using to Crowdfund Their Projects on Kickstarter

This FREE highly actionable strategy guide features:

  • 9 easy to implement but highly effective strategies to level up your first or next Kickstarter launch.
  • Every strategy includes a detailed example of the strategy in action from successful Kickstarter campaigns by creators such as Dirk Manning, Clay Adams, Amélie Hutt and more!
  • Your turn! Every strategy also includes clear action steps to put it into place for your next launch. 
  • PLUS: Additional free audio resources included!

Gift #2

How to Set Up a Kickstarter Project Folder for Successā€¦ In Less Than a Minute!

This bonus training video was taught in a previous ComixLaunch Challenge. Getting your Kickstarter project folder set up and organized is the very first thing you should do to prepare for your next launch!

First, watch this short explanation about why the FIRST thing you should do is always to set-up your Kickstarter Project Folder...


This is a great place to put your CTA that you have been building towards in your video.


Okay, now here's your challenge...


Want to know more about how this Kickstarter project folder is structured for success?

In this short video, I explain each section of the Kickstarter Project Folder Template.


Now you're organized!

I can't wait to see what you launch next!

Gift #3

Kickstarter Funding Projection Calculator

Get an estimate on how much funding you're likely to raise on Kickstarter right now, given the project you're trying to create and the audience you currently have.

Use the Calculator!

I hope you get a lot of value out of these bonus gifts!

If you're looking for even more support with your next launch, we'd love to have you inside THE COMIXLAUNCH COURSE!

Enroll in The ComixLaunch Course Today!

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Two Step

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