
A Proven Step-By-Step System to Help You Launch Your Comic Book Projects on Kickstarter... and Beyond!

Grow an Audience - Crowdfund Your Dream Projects - Explode Your Sales

What would it take to make your next launch a wild success?

βœ… Do you worry your audience isn't big enough?

βœ… Concerned your goals are too high or dreams too big?

βœ… Are you worried you'll build it and no one will come?

βœ… Does marketing make you feel a bit slimey?

βœ… Afraid all the work you've put into your project will be a waste?

βœ… Is fear of failure holding you back from making an impact?

If any of this resonates with you, keep reading... because I can help you unlock your true potential as a ComixLaunch Pro!

Kickstarter is the #1 platform in the world to fund comic book projects...

When you MASTER the Kickstarter Platform, you will take your creative career to new heights!

πŸš€ Learn EVERYTHING there is to know about mastering Kickstarter from start-to-funded.

πŸš€ Rapidly grow your audience using proven, step-by-step, and repeatable systems.

πŸš€ Expand your peer network by joining a community of comic book creator crowdfunders!

 You Don't Need to Launch Alone!

Are You Ready to MASTER Kickstarter?

Then I'd like to invite you to join...


The ComixLaunch Course is a Step-By-Step Blueprint for Successfully Crowdfunding Comic Book & Graphic Novel Projects on Kickstarter... and Beyond!

The ComixLaunch Course is a 12 module step-by-step online training program and community that walks you through exactly how to plan, create, launch, fund and fulfill your first or next Kickstarter campaign.

  • Get LIFETIME 24/7 online access!
  • Learn a system that is literally step-by-step. Nothing is left out!
  • Join the #1 community of comic creator crowdfunders!

A Proven Step-By-Step System

to run a successful Kickstarter campaign from start to funded

Dozens of Actionable Training Videos

covering each phase of the Kickstarter process: audience building, project design, campaign execution, fulfillment and beyond.

Detailed Workbooks, Checklists & Cheat Sheets

to help you stay on track during your campaign and manage the project.

Private Facebook Group

filled with successful creator peers who will hold you accountable, share resources, and keep you motivated along your journey.

Live Monthly Video Coaching Calls

to get individual feedback on your projects and launches so that nothing stands in your way.

Exclusive Members-Only Discounts

on printing and other products & services creators like us use to expand our audiences and fund our campaigns.

Instant Lifetime Access!

As soon as you enroll, you will get immediate access (via username and password) to The ComixLaunch Course, including all Special Bonuses!

βœ“   Lifetime access and login 24/7 on a mobile-friendly members site.

βœ“   Includes live monthly group coaching calls with Tyler James!

βœ“   Risk-Free Enrollment includes a 30-day, 100% money back guarantee

Just a Few of the Many Projects Successfully Funded Following The ComixLaunch Course System...

"I joined THE COMIXLAUNCH COURSE because pretty much everything about launching a Kickstarter for my graphic novel scared me. Since joining, my first campaign made 24K out of a 10K goal. In other words, I know what to do to produce and print my graphic novel--and maybe make a profit. The thoroughness, the details and having the course divided into many careful steps was tremendously helpful. Recommended for people who want to make a career out of their books or comics."

AmΓ©lie Hutt (Angels Power)
($26,531 Raised on Kickstarter)

"Whether you’re a Kickstarter veteran or a crowfunding newbie, I absolutely recommend THE COMIXLAUNCH COURSE! Now I’m more confident and more knowledgeable, not just in crowdfunding, but also in the complete package of being a comic creator."

Brant Fowler (Last Ember Press)
($6,558 Raised on Kickstarter)

"Before I joined THE COMIXLAUNCH COURSE, I was worried that I would launch a Kickstarter and fail. But once I saw Tyler’s frameworks for Kickstarter pages, I was more confident in my marketing skills--and my book. I highly recommend this course!"

Abrian Curington (Woolmancy)
($6,906 Raised on Kickstarter)

"I am a completely different creative person than I was a few years ago thanks to the course and the network within it. The step-by-step Kickstarter blueprint helped me believe I too could have a successful launch, and then actually do it! Perfect for ANYONE planning to launch a project on Kickstarter."

John Edingfield II (Rancidville)
($7,430 Raised on Kickstarter)

"After 3 years making my book, including all artwork, the idea that it wouldn’t fund was unthinkable. THE COMIXLAUNCH COURSE was the most specific and credible course I could see, so I joined. I had confidence that Tyler could take me through the steps that would make my 1st launch successful... and my project overfunded! Now I understand the dynamics of selling, and after starting from square one, I have a list of 1000+ people who actually open my emails. Anyone thinking of running a Kickstarter campaign for a comic/graphic novel should do this course. Mind-enhancing instruction, incredible supportive community and awesome value for the money."

Rene Pfitzner (Sneaky Goblins)
($8,776 Raised on Kickstarter)

To date, ComixLaunch Pro creators have collectively raised over $625,000.00 in funding for their dream projects... and counting!

So, Why Is The ComixLaunch Course So Effective?

βœ“   A proven system with over 100 satisfied students across four continents with many, many successful Kickstarter launches!

βœ“   Walks you through EVERY part of the Kickstarter launch process step-by-step without any confusion!

βœ“   Access to the MEMBERS-ONLY Private Facebook group for support, accountability, inspiration and crosspromotion as you build and fund your next launch!

βœ“   Direct access to and LIVE monthly coaching from ComixLaunch founder Tyler James!

Would you like to use this proven plan to ignite your career, too?

12 Step-By-Step Modules to Elevate Your Next Launch!

1: Learn the Mindset of Successful Crowdfunders

- 10 Kickstarter myths that hurt campaigns

- 12 secrets of successful crowdfunders

- Uncover your Big Why

2: Energize an Audience Before You Launch

- How to get big results from a small audience

- Start a "launch list" of future backers

- Grow and engage your audience

3: Design a Product Your Backers Will Love

- Defining a minimum loveable product

- Pitching your project to backers

- How to SWOT your project

4: Craft a Compelling Project Story

- Integrate backstory into your campaign

- Craft trustworthy creator bios

- Add "social proof" to your project

5: Strategize Rewards That Maximize Funding

- Data-driven insights on rewards

- "Day One", "Pocket" and other reward strategies

- Pricing rewards for profitable campaigns

6: Budget Every Penny, Stress Free

- Accurately account for campaign costs

- Predict your funding before you launch with scary accuracy

- Avoid hidden budget busters 

7: Make a Great Kickstarter Video Quickly

- Step-by-step, no-fuss video process

- The Ultimate Kickstarter video script template

- Tools & resources for creators on a budget

8: Design a High-Converting KS Page

- 12 key components to a trustworthy Kickstarter Page

- Crafting a compelling image

- Page power-ups backers and Kickstarter will love

9: Learn the Best Free Promotion Strategies

- Kickstarter marketing bootcamp

- Identify the right media targets 

- Social media toolkit 

10: Market Using High-ROI Paid Strategies

- Kickstarter advertising that converts

- ComixLaunch Facebook Advertising Strategy

- Understanding Kickstarter's analytics

11: Execute the Campaign From Start to Funded

- Launch day checklist

- Art of the Kickstarter update

- Survive the "Deadzone" and finish strong

12: Fulfill Your Kickstarter Like a Boss

- Post-campaign communication guide

- Ultimate shipping guide

- Outsourcing master class

Includes Monthly Live Group Kickstarter Coaching!

Join Tyler James and other ComixLaunch Course members in monthly, live online coaching calls to get your specific Kickstarter questions answered in real-time!

If You Had All These Proven Tools & Resources, How Confident Would You Be Going Into Your Launch?

"I joined The ComixLaunch Course to network with creators and to learn how to run a Kickstarter. I highly recommend it. It's helped with everything from branding to better managing the business aspects of comics. The best part was getting my Kickstarter funded and actually taking my comic to print!"

Chris Massari (The Six Swords #1)
$4,687 raised on Kickstarter

"The ComixLaunch Course taught me how to set up a great Kickstarter page and how to ready my fan base for launch… worth every penny."

M.K. Palmer (Meraki)
$25,434.00 Raised on Kickstarter

"The tools -- the spreadsheets, the calculators -- were huge. I’m probably going to use those tools for everything going forward… And knowing about the deadzone and how to conquer that made that part of the campaign way more bearable in my first Kickstarter."

Kristi McDowell (Gamer Girl & Vixen)
$11,430.00 Raised on Kickstarter

"I needed to make a commitment to get myself off the sidelines. Now I have two successful Kickstarter campaigns and the confidence that comes from a system where the outcomes are semi-predictable. If someone wants to self publish a comic, THE COMIXLAUNCH COURSE will definitely get them started."

Geoff Weber (The Scientists)
($4,306 Raised on Kickstarter)

"With two hugely-successful campaigns under my belt, I absolutely recommend THE COMIXLAUNCH COURSE. In my opinion, whether you’re new to crowdfunding, or just want to "up the game" for your future campaigns, the course is fundamental for anyone wishing to achieve success on Kickstarter."

Jay Magnum (Astral)
($9,158 Raised on Kickstarter)

"Before I joined THE COMIXLAUNCH COURSE, I worried my Kickstarter campaign wouldn’t fund. But the course provides templates and models for running a solid business, and now I have more confidence in my marketing, even when things don’t go according to plan. I believe the course helped me raise more money than I would have if I hadn’t taken it, and I often recommend it whenever someone asks for Kickstarter advice. THE COMIXLAUNCH COURSE was perfect for me."

Newton Lilavois Crescent City Monsters ($6,428 Raised on Kickstarter)
($6,428 Raised on Kickstarter)

"I wanted to learn how to successfully fund my Kickstarter, but I received--and am still receiving--so much more than that. Tyler broke down the overwhelming idea of a Kickstarter into discrete, accomplishable tasks, and now I'm more focused and have a better understanding of where I am on my journey as a comics creator. THE COMIXLAUNCH COURSE is worth every penny."

Will Allred (Diary of Night)
($7,430 Raised on Kickstarter)

Am I a Good Fit for this Program?

You might be wondering whether or not you'd be a good fit for this program and community. Let me help...

If You are a Creator Who:

πŸš€  Has a dream project you’d like to bring to life…

πŸš€ Is coachable, and willing to learn some new strategies and take a step outside your comfort zone to get bigger and better results…

πŸš€  Has integrity and is ready to become a good steward of the Kickstarter platform and committed to leaving it better than you found it....

πŸš€ Is willing to put some skin in the game to prove to yourself and your audience that you believe in your project and creative career as much as they should...

...Then You WILL Succeed on Kickstarter, and You Belong In This Program and Community!

All you have to do is follow the steps.

But ComixLaunch Pro is NOT for everyone. 

You definitely should NOT join if...

☹ Your glass is always half empty. We’re creators. That means we need to believe in things BEFORE we see them in order to make them real. Your attitude will determine your altitude on Kickstarter and beyond.

☹ You’re not coachable or open to new ideas, strategies and actions that will make a real difference in your creative business.

☹ You’re not a person of integrity... the Kickstarter platform is a tremendous resource to our community, and not one we can take for granted. Go into it looking to leave the platform better than you found it.

☹ You are only interested in creating as a hobby. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that... however the ComixLaunch Course is a community of creators who are creating for themselves and to sell to an audience.

If you're not a great fit, no hard feelings and we're still rooting for you.

But if you're willing to work hard enough, smart enough, and to commit...

πŸš€ Commit to bringing PASSION to every project.

πŸš€ Commit to taking ACTION, even when it's scary.

πŸš€ Commit to building a NETWORK and always adding value first.

πŸš€ Commit to doing things with INTEGRITY and keeping the promises you make to others and to yourself.

πŸš€ Commit to never stop developing your TALENT, because we are all works in progress.

... Then I hope we'll soon see you inside The ComixLaunch Course!


So, What's the Investment to Enroll in The ComixLaunch Course?

ComixLaunch is on a mission to empower creators to make bold leaps in their creative careers, and provide tremendous ongoing value at a price point that even new creators can afford.

Lifetime access to  The ComixLaunch Course training program & community is normally $799.00.

Creators who invest in the course are investing in themselves and getting tremendous results.

ComixLaunch Course creators' projects are boasting a 95%+ Kickstarter success rate! 


But during this special enrollment period, we have an even better deal for you...


Enroll in The ComixLaunch Course Today for Just $599 (Save $200.00!)

Risk-Free Enrollment!

Join The ComixLaunch Course today risk-free and use it to build your audience or plan your next launch for 30 days.

With over 100 successful creators thriving inside, we're completely confident that joining will be an absolute game-changer for you.  

We're also confident that YOU will bring tremendous value to our community when you join. 

That's why we're removing all of the risk from your shoulders.

Enroll in The ComixLaunch Course today, start going through the trainings and interacting with our community.

If after 30 days, you don't feel better equipped with the knowledge, resources, and skills to grow your audience, run more successful Kickstarter projects, or increase sales in in channels, I want you to request a full refund.

The risk is 100% on ComixLaunch's shoulders to deliver an outstanding experience and help you achieve your creative goals.

And If You Enroll During This Special Enrollment Period, We'll Give You 5 Additional Bonuses Worth Over $1,000+!

Bonus #1: 

"Quickstarter" Mini-Course 

Thinking might not be ready for a "BIG" Kickstarter launch? No worries!

I've added an all-new bonus "QUICKSTARTER"-Style Kickstarter launch for smaller, faster, less complicated launches to help get your crowdfunding momentum rolling FAST! 

$99.00 Value



πŸš€ Enroll Now to Get This Bonus!

Bonus #2: 

B.A.D.A.S.S Productivity Master Class

Want to join, but feel like you're already stretched for time? Do you feel like you're putting in a lot of hours but not getting the important stuff done? 

I've been there, and I want to help! That's why, I'm including a special training where I share the productivity secrets that power my creative business.

$99.00 Value



πŸš€ Enroll Now to Get This Bonus!

Bonus 3: 

Extreme Comic Book Makeover: Comic Book Series Branding Toolkit

Wondering if your project is ready for prime time? Worried your book might not stand out in a crowded Kickstarter field? 

The answer is better branding for your comic book series!

In this training, I'll walk you through every question my team asks and every branding asset we create to make our comic IP stand out and get noticed, and show you how to quickly and easily create and organize branding assets for every one of your properties so your book gets the attention it deserves.  

$199.00 Value



πŸš€ Enroll Now to Get This Bonus!

Bonus 4: 

The ComixLaunch Exchange

Need digital extras for your backers for Early Bird, Milestone Bonus or Stretch Goal Rewards?

The ComixLaunch Exchange is a members-only bonus you'll have immediate access to where you can chooses from dozens of awesome digital comics from our members to use as bonuses during your next launch. 

We’ll show you how to use the exchange to add hundreds or thousands of dollars to every launch!

$200.00 value.


πŸš€ Enroll Now to Get This Bonus!

Bonus #5: 

ComixLaunch Pro Exclusive Discounts

Our creators are always looking to reduce campaign expenses so they can keep more of the funds they raise in their own pockets.

That's why ComixLaunch has partnered with a number of premium vendors to get exclusive discounts on printing, packaging materials, custom merchandise, crowdfunding survey software, and more! 

For many ComixLaunch Course creators, these discounts alone will pay for the cost of the entire program! 

πŸš€ Enroll Now to Get This Bonus!

This is the best offer we've ever made, but I need to check in because you may be thinking...

A: Yes, this is exactly what I need!

B: I’m not sure I’m ready for this program.

C: I think I need to focus on some other areas in my creative business first.

Here's the thing...

If you could master just one platform this year, it should be Kickstarter. 

But the truth is...

The creators inside my community who are getting the best results are also committed to mastering three more crucial skills needed to power their launches...Β 

What skills are those?

SKILL #1: Growing a large and engaged EMAIL LIST of fans.

SKILL #2: Selling consistently in SALES CHANNELS other than Kickstarter.

SKILL #3: Automating their audience and sales growth with FACEBOOK ADS.

So, while you're here...

I want to give you the opportunity to get LIFETIME ACCESS to all of my programs at a special rate so that you have everything you need to succeed.

Special Offer:
ComixLaunch Pro All-Access!

Get an All-Access Pass to all of the Proven Step-By-Step ComixLaunch Blueprints to Build an Audience, Fund Your Projects & Increase Sales, and the #1 Community of Active Comic Book Crowdfunders.

In addition to THE COMIXLAUNCH COURSE, Upgrading to a ComixLaunch Pro All-Access Enrollment Will Also Unlock...

Ready to get serious about growing & engaging a list of 1,000+ true fans?



Your complete blueprint to build a highly targeted and engaged audience that will support your work WITHOUT being spammy or spending all of your time on social media.

The complete ListLaunch Program & Community [$399.00 Value] is Included in ComixLaunch Pro All-Access!  
πŸš€ Yes, I'm ready to grow my list!

"Before LISTLAUNCH, I had no idea how to build and maintain an audience. But after only a few short lessons, I not only had over 50 fans on an email list, I was interacting with them regularly and building strong relationships. As the course went on, I continued to build on those numbers by improving my communication techniques and providing value to my audience. With LISTLAUNCH, Tyler James once again proves to be invaluable to anyone trying to build and maintain a fan base."

James Powell
(Ten31 Publishing)

"When it comes to building and maintaining a relationship with your email list, Tyler James knows the answer to all the questions you never thought to ask. Before joining his LISTLAUNCH course, I had about 300 people on an email list I rarely contacted. Three months later I'm nearing 700. More importantly I'm engaging with them often enough to build a relationship beneficial to both myself and the people on the list. I highly recommend giving his course a shot. You'll not only be more successful with your emails, you'll finally enjoy writing them, as well."

Kevin Joseph
(Kechal Comics)

"The ListLaunch course has been phenomenal. Tyler taught me one simple trick that boosted my engagement rate exponentially. If that weren’t enough, his system grew my list by 30% in a week, with more subscribers coming in all the time. Serious about your comics career? Do yourself a favor and follow Tyler’s step-by-step blueprint for success. "

Clay Adams
(Fried Comics)

Ready to explode your sales in new channels so you can sell more of your books year round?


Beyond Kickstarter

A proven blueprint to increased comic book sales on channels and platforms outside of Kickstarter, including online, conventions, and Patreon, so that you can reach a broader audience and sell more of your art during the 92% of the year when you aren't launching a Kickstarter.

The complete Beyond Kickstarter Program & Community [$399.00 Value] is Included in ComixLaunch Pro All-Access!
πŸš€ Yes, I'm ready to sell more in new channels!

"I have completely doubled my sales at the last two cons after going through BEYOND KICKSTARTER. It is working, man!"

Anthony Christou
Fantasy Illustrator, Creator of Luminous Ages

"My Patreon page launched yesterday, and within sixteen hours I had already hit the funding goal I'd set for the whole month... I probably wouldn't have been motivated to pull the trigger without BEYOND KICKSTARTER."

Shane Walsh-Smith
Graphic Novelist & Author

Ready to master Facebook Ads so you consistently generate new leads, sales & backers on autopilot?



Get the complete, step-by-step Facebook Ads Implementation System designed to help you effectively use FB Ads in your creative business, without all the confusion or costly mistakes.

The complete AdLaunch Course Program & Community [$399.00 Value] is Included in Your ComixLaunch Pro Membership!
πŸš€ Yes, I'm ready to master Facebook Ads!

"AdLaunch completely demystified Facebook Ads for me. For the first time ever, they're finally working for me, and more importantly, I understand them..."

Carmelo Chimera
($23,613 raised on Kickstarter)

Special Offer: 3 Awesome Enrollment Options to Help You Succeed.

Choose the Best Plan for You:

The ComixLaunch Course


Save $200.00 with this Special Offer!

(Single Payment)

  • Lifetime Access to The ComixLaunch Course!

  • Monthly Live Group Coaching!

  • ComixLaunch Course Private Facebook Group!

  • 5 Awesome Bonuses worth $1,000+!

  • 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
  • Lifetime Access to the ListLaunch, Beyond Kickstarter & AdLaunch Programs & Communities [$1,197.00 Value]

  • 30 Minute Strategy Call with Tyler James ($175.00 Value)

πŸš€ Enroll Now!

ComixLaunch Pro


/MONTH x 12

(Payment Plan)

  • Lifetime Access to The ComixLaunch Course!

  • Monthly Live Group Coaching!

  • ComixLaunch Course Private Facebook Group!

  • 5 Awesome Bonuses worth $1,000+!

  • 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
  • Lifetime Access to the ListLaunch, Beyond Kickstarter & AdLaunch Programs & Communities [$1,197.00 Value]

  • 30 Minute Strategy Call with Tyler James ($175.00 Value)

πŸš€ Enroll Now!

ComixLaunch Pro


Save $189.00 When You Pay in Full!

(Single Payment)

  • Lifetime Access to The ComixLaunch Course!

  • Monthly Live Group Coaching!

  • ComixLaunch Course Private Facebook Group!

  • 5 Awesome Bonuses worth $1,000+!

  • 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

  • Lifetime Access to the ListLaunch, Beyond Kickstarter & AdLaunch Programs & Communities [$1,197.00 Value]

  • 30 Minute Strategy Call with Tyler James ($175.00 Value)

πŸš€ Enroll Now!

ComixLaunch Pro All-Access Pay In Full Bonus:
Pay in Full ($999) and Get a FREE One-On-One Private Strategy Call with Tyler James! [$175 Value.]

The first ten creators who take advantage of this PODCAST SPECIAL enrollment, enroll in ComixLaunch Pro and choose the pay-in-full $999 option will also receive a one-on-one private strategy call with Tyler James discussing how to take your creative business to the next level.

Who's Behind ComixLaunch Pro, Anyway? 

Hey, thanks for asking!

My name is Tyler James. 

I'm the host of ComixLaunch: Crowdfunding for Writers, Artists & Self-Publishers on Kickstarter... and Beyond! a weekly podcast on iTunes.

As the publisher behind the ComixTribe and C is for Cthulhu brands, I have successfully managed 16 Kickstarter projects that have collectively raised more than $450,000.00 with the support of over 9,000 backers. 

More importantly, my ComixLaunch guests and I have helped hundreds of creators like you raise hundreds of thousands of dollars to get their own projects funded.

ComixLaunch is on a mission to make Comics the Kickstarter category with the highest success rate on the platform. 

Enrollment is now open for ComixLaunch Pro, the #1 training library and community for serious comic creators interested in leveling up their launches this year.

Are you in?


Work With Tyler Inside ComixLaunch Pro!

Tyler & ComixLaunch Have Been Featured On

Here are the answers to all of your questions about The ComixLaunch Course and ComixLaunch Pro!

The ComixLaunch Course is a step-by-step online training program designed to help you plan, execute, successfully fund, and then fulfill your next Kickstarter campaign.

The ComixLaunch Course is a stand alone program focused on helping you master Kickstarter from start to funded.

ComixLaunch Pro All-Access includes lifetime access to The ComixLaunch Course, but also includes lifetime access to three other proven programs, including:

  • ListLaunch: A proven step-by-step system for writers, artists & publishers who want to start and grow an engaged email list of 1,000+ true fans who will support their future launches on Kickstarter… and beyond!
  • Beyond Kickstarter: A proven blueprint to increased comic book sales on channels and platforms outside of Kickstarter, including online, conventions, and Patreon, so that you can reach a broader audience and sell more of your art during the 92% of the year when you aren't launching a Kickstarter.

  • AdLaunch: complete, step-by-step Facebook Ads Implementation System, designed to help you effectively use FB Ads in your creative business, without all the confusion or costly mistakes.

When purchased separately, the total cost for all ComixLaunch Pro programs is $1,996.00

During this SPECIAL ENROLLMENT, you can get lifetime access to them all for just $999.

Or you can choose our flexible payment plan option of $99 per month for 12 months. 

As soon as you enroll! Once you purchase the course, you'll have instant access to the entire program, taking you step-by-step through planning a successful Kickstarter launch.

The ComixLaunch podcast strives to be the best free resource for creators looking to harness the power of the Kickstarter platform.

However, the difference between the course and the podcast is the difference between reading a magazine about a topic you're interested in and taking a master-level class with a seasoned instructor and a room full of talented peers.

The ComixLaunch Course is a sequenced, step-by-step blueprint for Kickstarter success. Each training in The ComixLaunch Course includes examples, checklists, templates, case studies, and videos for every piece.

Plus, instead of learning this on your own, you'll be doing it alongside other creators and with direct access to Tyler James to get your individual questions answered.

The ComixLaunch Course includes both on-demand training videos (and accompanying MP3s) for you to go through at your own pace as well as live monthly group coaching and Kickstarter Q&A sessions led by Tyler James, plus a Private Facebook support group.

So, you can go through the step-by-step training videos at your own pace and watch them as many times as you need to... but you'll also have the ability to get real-time support and feedback in the Facebook group or during the live Q&A sessions. 

All live sessions will be recorded & archived for you in case you miss one.

This will vary for different creators and projects.

The course itself includes 12 comprehensive Kickstarter modules.

If you follow the suggested pace of one module per week for 12 weeks, and spend 15-30 minutes per day working on through the course, you'll see steady progress.

Most creators are able to fund their projects withing within 3-6 months of enrolling in the course, though some creators choose to launch much sooner, and others choose a slower pace. 

Lifetime access to the material and community means you can go through the material on your own time-table and launch when you're ready. 

Many creators will also go through the course multiple times, because every time they launch, they learn... and because the program is always being updated with the latest strategies and tactics working now on Kickstarter.

I can't answer that question for you, as I don't know your particular financial situation or how much you value education.

I've priced the course to enable creators to enroll at less than $3 per day. An investment that small, to learn how to a master a platform that can help you generate tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding over the next few years like my students and I have done seems like an absolute bargain to me.

Most people have already spent significantly more on college courses or training programs that they were significantly less interested in, and that didn't provide them the tools to go out and raise funding to do what they truly want to do...create! (And I bet most of those courses did not offer a money back guarantee!)

If you don't have a product to Kickstart, and haven't learned how to create one, that's where I would put my money first. Better yet, I'd invest in a course on creating comics rather than try to figure it all out on your own. (I recommend Comics Experience, The Kubert School or a local continuing education class for that.)

But if you have a product and know how to make comics, but what you lack is a step-by-step, predictable system for crowdfunding success, then this course will give you the biggest return on your investment.

Learn Kickstarter inside and out. Get launching right. And it will change the trajectory of your career.

You can access the course material at any time on the mobile-friendly portal site, powered by a top-shelf education platform called Kajabi, which will make it extremely easy for you to go through the course and come back to the material any time you need it.

The course also has a Facebook component in the form of a private members-only group.

This course is for creators who would like hands-on attention, a step-by-step plan, and a dedicated group to keep them accountable.

The ComixLaunch Course blueprints, the peer group you'll be with, and direct coaching is meant to do just that and more.

The end goal, as with everything ComixLaunch, is to jumpstart your career and turn Kickstarter into a renewable resource for you.

Are You Ready to Take Your Launch to the Next Level?

It's time to make a decision.

Is now the time you make a commitment to mastering the skills that have enabled hundreds of thousands of creators to bring their dream projects to life?

It's crossroads time.

You're now faced with two choices...

Choice #1: Keep going it alone.

If this is your choice, I wish you good luck!

Know that ComixLaunch will continue to nudge you and encourage you to keep moving forward, even when it's scary or even a little uncomfortable.

Remember, all growth happens out of your comfort zone.

When you're ready to launch, I'll be here for you.


Choice #2: Join ComixLaunch Pro, grow your audience and plan your next launch with me and a community of hardworking creators.

You want to learn Kickstarter from the inside out.

You want the comprehensive, step-by-step system that's powered many successful launches and will power many more more in the years to come.

You want to grow and energize an audience excited for your project.

You want to design a compelling project & effective Kickstater page you're proud of.

You want to master the strategies needed to not just survive, but thrive during the Kickstarter Deadzone and afterward, throughout the dreaded fulfillment phase, too.

You want to grow your network of peers supporting you the entire way.

And you want the security of knowing you have a direct hotline to a Kickstarter coach who has done this before.

And perhaps most importantly, you want to equip yourself with the mindset, strategies & tactics needed to have success on Kickstarter again and again.

Because when it comes to bringing your art into the world...

You're just getting started.

Doors are Closing Soon on This Special Enrollment Offer... Don't Wait to Take Your Creative Career to the Next Level!

Don't put off taking action on creating the career of your dreams any longer. Make your next launch your best launch ever by joining the premiere community of comic creator crowdfunders today!


50% Complete

Two Step

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