
ComixLaunch Success Strategy Call Applications

Want to book a FREE 30 minute Kickstarter launch consultation with ComixLaunch? Just fill out this short application to lock in your strategy session!

Click the button below to start.


Question 1 of 14

What's your name? 

Question 2 of 14

What's your email address? (Please use the same email you used when booking your Strategy Session.)

Question 3 of 14

Which of the following best describes what you do creatively?

(Select all that apply)







Editor / Project Manager

Question 4 of 14

Tell me briefly about where you are currently at in your creative journey... What do you create and what are you hoping to launch in the next year or two?

Question 5 of 14

Are you a member of ComixLaunch Pro, Tyler's premium step-by-step training program and community for comic creator crowdfunders?


Yes, I am!


No, not yet.

Question 6 of 14

Which best described your level of Kickstarter experience?


I've never launched a Kickstarter before and want to do it right the first time.


I've launched one or more projects on Kickstarter before, but want to do better with my next launch.


I'm a Kickstarter veteran and had a lot of success there. Now I'm interested in massively increasing the size of my launches and expanding my sales beyond Kickstarter.

Question 7 of 14

How much funding would you like to raise in your next Kickstarter launch? 

Question 8 of 14

Many creators have discovered that when you use it correctly, the Kickstarter platform is a renewable resource you can use to fund your projects again and again.

How much total funding would you like to raise on Kickstarter over the next 3-5 years? What kind of results would be AMAZING for you? 

Question 9 of 14

What's your biggest challenge or struggle when it comes to successfully launching and selling your projects? What's stopping you from hitting your near- and long-term funding goals?

Question 10 of 14

What's the most important criteria for success as we work together to improve your creative business?


Exceeding my Kickstarter funding goal on my next launch.


Launching quickly, easily, with much less stress and a lot more confidence.


Improving my overall creative business.

Question 11 of 14

Do you consider yourself coachable?






Not sure.

Question 12 of 14

Are you willing to invest in yourself and your creative business in order to make your launch goals a reality?






Not Sure

Question 13 of 14

What makes you different than other creators and why should we choose to work with you? 

Question 14 of 14

In ComixLaunch Pro we're able to accept a very limited number of new creators per month to work with and we select applicants based on those we feel are most likely to succeed in our program and get a massive return on their investment by working with us. 

Our program and community is about teaching you a Kickstarter launch system that you can learn once and implement forever.

We tell creators it's a ONE-TIME investment and we solve your Kickstarter launching issue, because we'll teach you our PROVEN system which gives you a predictable, consistent, and successful Kickstarter launch machine.

If we both decide that you're a good fit to join ComixLaunch Pro, how soon can you get started working with us to plan your next successful launch?

Confirm and Submit